Vendor Advocacy

Vendors Advocate

What is a Vendors Advocate?

Vendors’ advocates are independent agents who act exclusively for the seller of a property. They offer a value-added service including:

  • A written market appraisal of the property including local comparable sales and current listings to establish a market value range
  • Advice and recommendations for selecting the best real estate agent in the locality
  • Advice on real estate agents’ exclusive sale agreements and proposed commission fees
  • Recommendations on the best method of sale – auction or private treaty
  • Advice on strategy and proposed marketing campaigns
  • Vetting and screening buyers’ offers presented to the seller through their appointed real estate agent.

When it comes to selling property in Melbourne, we’re your go-to for support and guidance. Marketing, campaign timing, sale method and the right agent at the right agency can make all the difference to your end result.  We match our clients to a selection of agents with proven results on comparable campaigns, so vendors can find their right match.
We’re then on hand throughout the entire sale process to continue to offer solutions and insight so our clients can achieve the best outcomes for their unique circumstances.

Give Metrolinx a call, have an expert in your corner 0432 327 945 or email

How to choose a Vendors Avocate?

Choosing a vendor’s advocate to help you sell your home is an important decision, as they will play a crucial role in marketing your property, negotiating with potential buyers, and guiding you through the selling process. Here are some steps to help you choose the right vendor’s advocate for selling your home:

Check Credentials and Experience – Verify the credentials and experience of potential advocates.

Evaluate Their Knowledge of the Local Market – A good advocate should have a deep understanding of your local real estate market

Fees and Agreements – Understand the advocate’s fee structure and agreement.

Regular Updates and Feedback – Maintain open communication with your chosen advocate throughout the selling process.

Give Metrolinx a call, have an expert in your corner 0432 327 945 or email

Why would you use a Vendors Advocate?

For many people selling real estate can often be a daunting process. People generally only sell a property a once or twice in their lives or can spend years between transactions. A lot can change in this time, and every sale is always different in some way. We match our clients to a selection of agents with proven results on comparable campaigns, so vendors can find their right match.

We constantly buy and sell property in multiple different markets and locations all over Melbourne. Through this we have frequent dealings with a wide network of real estate agents and know the ones with the best track records for each area and property type. We know who will go the extra mile with inspections to ensure every interested buyer is getting through your property. We know what questions to ask at what time, so you have all the information to make the big decisions; and we bring our extensive experience and insight to your campaign to keep things running on track.

Give Metrolinx a call, have an expert in your corner 0432 327 945 or email

Are Vendors Advocate worth it?

If you want the best possible outcome when selling your home, a vendor advocate is a must. Your agent doesn’t always have your best interest in mind. They will say and do anything to get your listing, and then to persuade you to sell quickly.

Alleviating the stress Selling your home is stressful! There’s plenty of decisions and logistical logistical elements to juggle. Vendors advocates help you with the biggest worry of all — getting the right sale price. 

Preparing your home for sale Many homeowners make the classic mistake of overcapitalising on the home before sale. We can advise you on the preparations you need to get the best possible sale price.

Finding the right agent Navigating this situation feels like walking through a minefield! It seems like everyone has advice to offer, and it can be overwhelming to sift through all the opinions and recommendations.

Negotiating your commission Many vendors don’t know that you can negotiate on agents’ commissions.

Deciding the right pricing strategy Choosing the right pricing strategy for your home is a critical decision that can significantly impact your sale price.

Managing the advertising strategy Managing an advertising strategy effectively is crucial to reach your target audience.

Receiving Assistance on Auction Day On auction day, it’s natural to feel a mix of emotions, from nervousness about the sale of your home to concerns about bidder turnout and the auctioneer’s performance. It can be challenging to make composed, strategic decisions in such moments. Rest assured, we will stand by your side throughout the auction, providing support and guidance every step of the way.

The cost is absorbed by the agent The cost of a vendor fee is not yours to cover. It comes out of the agent fees.

Give Metrolinx a call, have an expert in your corner 0432 327 945 or email

Metrolinx Vendors Advocate Services

Save Time – Time is a scarce commodity and when buying or selling a home, it can take precious hours out of your day. We will save you time assisting with the agent selection process and facilitate and oversea the whole process.

Independent Advice & Personal Service – Your best interests are always are our responsibility and we ensure you are aware of all of the real facts about your property and how it is travelling during the sales campaign. Our feedback will be completely independent with no emotion. Our goal is to ensure you receive the best possible price with the best possible conditions.

Save stress – We take the stress out of the whole process for you. From the day you engage us, we organise everything. From selecting the best agent right through to when the property settles, we are there as your personal property advocate, providing valuable, professional and independent feedback and advice. You can have peace of mind that your best interests are being protected at all times.

Fees – Our Vendor Advocacy service is a completely free service for clients as we are paid by the selling agent selected to sell your property.

Give Metrolinx a call, have an expert in your corner 0432 327 945 or email

How can we help?

  • Free no-obligation consultation to help us help you – The first step is to establish some clear guidelines regarding your personal situation and needs.
  • Selecting the Best Agent – We organise the best agents to inspect your property and submit their detailed proposals, including estimated selling range, marketing and advertising and of course commission.
  • Presenting the Property For Sale – It is very important that your property is presented in the best possible condition in order to achieve the best possible price. Together with the selected selling agent, we will provide recommendations and tips on improving your property’s appearance as that is likely to result in achieving the highest price.
  • Contract of Sale – You will require a solicitor or licenced conveyancer to prepare the appropriate documentation on your behalf. This step is crucial as a sale cannot legally take place without the purchaser first receiving a Vendor’s Statement that has been signed and dated by the vendor.
  • Selling the Property – We will provide you with regular feedback and recommendations throughout the entire sales campaign. Irrespective of the method of sale, we liaise with the selected selling agent and will provide you with the real facts about how the campaign is progressing.

Give Metrolinx a call, have an expert in your corner 0432 327 945 or email